10 Deadliest Diseases in the World

On this World Health Day Let us make ourselves healthy from now on.

“Early to bed, Early to Rise, makes you, Healthy Wealthy and Wise”

A very common saying, we even teach to childrens, In today’s fast moving live it become difficult for some to Sleep early and wake up early. We even do not take 8 hours sleep a day. Life is so busy at work, with family & friends, parties and various lifestyles that many of us barely sleep for 4-6 hours. So to make people aware about the health and healthy life World Health Day is celebrated by the WHO (World Health Organization). This day the April 7th started in 1948 as World Health Day and World Health Day is celebrated every year for the last 60 years.
To become health-conscious, it is essential that we know about the diseases that are affecting the most people worldwide. According to the WHO, these are the ten deadliest diseases in the world, due to which most people die every year.

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Here below are the ten deadliest diseases in the world

1. Coronary artery disease (heart disease)

At present, the world’s deadliest disease is Coronary Artery Disease (CAD), due to which in 2015, 8 million people died worldwide. This disease is responsible for deaths of 15.5 percent of people worldwide. In the year 2000, where the number of deaths from this disease was 60 lakhs, in 2015, it increased to 88 lakhs. CAD is a condition when the blood vessels that carry blood to the heart become constricted, which can cause problems such as chest pains and heart failure.

Risk Factors related to CAD

High blood pressure, high cholesterol, smoking, CAD’s family history, diabetes and obesity.

Methods of protection

Regular exercise, the balanced weight, balanced diet intake, eat more fruits and vegetables, avoid smoking, consuming alcohol in stable amounts

2. Brain Stroke

Stroke is second in the list of most deadly diseases, due to which 62 million people died in 2015, and 11.1 percent of deaths worldwide were due to this disease. A stroke occurs when an artery in the brain, either blocks or leaks. In this situation, the brain cells do not get oxygen, and the patient becomes brain dead in just minutes. During a stroke, the patient suddenly becomes insensitive, having difficulty seeing and walking.

Risk factors

High BP, Family History of Stroke, Smoking (the higher the risk when taking birth control pills), the higher the risk in women

Methods of protection

Make changes in lifestyle, keep BP under control, exercise regularly, and eat a healthy diet.

3. Lower respiratory infection (respiratory infection)

In 2015, 32 lakh people died due to respiratory infections, and the percentage of deaths due to this disease is 5.7% of the total deaths worldwide. However, compared to the year 200, the disease has decreased. In the year 2000, where 34 million people died due to respiratory infection, in 2015, this number came down to 32 lakh. The lower respiratory disease affects the airways and lungs of our body, which can cause flu, pneumonia, bronchitis, and TB.

Risk factors

Flu, poor air quality, smoking, weak immune system, asthma, HIV.

Methods of protection

Take a flu vaccine every year, wash your hands regularly with soap-water (especially before eating), and rest at home if you have an infection.

4. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

It is a long-term disease associated with the lungs in which breathing becomes troublesome. There are two types of chronic bronchitis and emphysema COPD. In 2004, 614 million people worldwide were living with COPD disease, while in 2015, about 31 lakh people died due to this disease. In 2015, 5.6 percent of people worldwide died of the disease.

Risk factors

If both active and passive smoking, burning sensation in the lungs due to chemical smoke, family history, respiratory infections in childhood.

Methods of protection

COPD cannot be eliminated completely, can only be reduced by drugs, avoid active and passive smoking, see a doctor immediately if there is lung discomfort.

5. Respiratory Cancer

Respiratory means respiratory cancer, including trachea, throat, bronchus, and lung cancer, is the two main reasons. First- breathing in the smoke emitted due to smoking or smoking of others and second- poisonous particles present in the atmosphere. According to a 2015 study, 40 million people worldwide die every year due to respiratory cancer. In developing countries, its number is continuously increasing due to pollution and smoking.

Risk factors

Although respiratory cancer can happen to anyone, the risk of smoking and tobacco users is high, family history and environmental factors are also included in it.

Methods of protection

Avoid dust and tobacco to avoid lung cancer.

6. Diabetes

Diabetes is not a single-disease but a group of disorders in which the production and use of insulin in the body are affected. In both type 1 and type 2 diabetes, the pancreas present in the body is unable to produce insulin, which causes an increase in the amount of sugar in the body.

Risk factors

Excess weight, high BP, old age, no exercise, unhealthy diet.

Methods of protection

Diabetes cannot be eliminated; it can only be controlled, for which regular exercise, include fiber in the food, eat a nutritious diet.

7. Alzheimer

Alzheimer or memory loss is a disease that prevents regular mental activity by damaging your memory. It includes the power of thinking, the ability to reason and reason, and typical behavior.

Risk factors

Over 65 years of age, family history, Dow’s syndrome, unhealthy lifestyle, head injury, prolonged interactions and contact with people.

Methods of protection

To reduce the risk of this disease, take heart-healthy diet. By eating these things, along with the heart, your brain will also be safe from Alzheimer’s disease.

8. Dehydration or diarrhea

Diarrhea or diarrhea is the condition when you have three or more diluted bowel movements in a day. If the problem of diarrhea persists for a few days, then there is a lack of water and salt in the body, due to which the body becomes dehydrated and can lead to death under severe conditions. Diarrhea is, in most cases, caused by a virus or bacteria that reach our body through contaminated food or water. In some countries, where there is a lack of cleanliness, the disease is more common.

Risk factors

Staying in dirty places, not getting clean drinking water, children are most at risk, malnutrition, weak immune system.

Methods of protection

According to UNICEF, the best way to avoid diarrhea is to take care of cleanliness, wash hands before eating, provide clean drinking water.

9. Tuberculosis or TB

TB is a lung disease which is caused by bacteria. Although the treatment of this disease is possible, due to a severe condition, TB can also result in death. The highest number of the deaths due to TB occurs in HIV patients. About 35 percent of HIV related deaths are due to TB. However, the good thing is that from the year 2000 till now, every year, there has been a decrease of 1.5 percent in TB cases, and the target is to be eliminated by 2030.

Risk factors

Diabetes, HIV infection, bodyweight reduction, proximity to TB patients, weak immune system.

Methods of protection

The best way to prevent from the TB is to get the BCG vaccine.

10. Liver Cirrhosis

Long-term damage to the liver is called cirrhosis. Liver damage can be either due to kidney disease or hepatitis or excessive consumption of alcohol. As the liver gets damaged, there are wounds in its tissue due to which it becomes difficult for the liver to function, and one day comes when the liver stops working completely. This disease causes 1.2 million deaths worldwide every year.

Risk factors

Excess use of alcohol, fat accumulation around the liver, chronic viral hepatitis.

Methods of protection

To avoid cirrhosis, do not drink too much alcohol, consume a healthy diet, reduce sugar and fat intake.

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Conclusion: Though above are the only top 10 most commonly known deadliest diseases nowadays besides many others. By improving our lifestyles we can overcome them and live a healthy life. Regular exercise, healthy diet and good sleeping habits will certainly help in achieving good health.

About The Author

Vinod Rawat

I'm a very patient listener with positive attitude towards work and life. I'm kind of innovative and creative, I keep learning things and try to implement them to the best use possible. Sometimes I love to write a little and share with the world, sometimes I stay busy at work or family. Professionally I'm a Web & Graphic Designer and also a Pro Marketer. I have over 12 years of working experience in Sales & Marketing, Graphic and Web Design. Explored many areas of business. Sometimes I do love to travel.

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