How about a 13-inch MacBook Pro Retina with that iPhone 5?

Following the 15.4-incher, a less-expensive 13.3-inch Retina MacBook Pro is also expected this fall.
(Credit: Apple)
The iPhone 5 and iPad Mini buzz dominates headlines, but signs point to Apple also coming out with a new MacBook Pro that’s nothing to sniff at.
DisplaySearch has been telling CNET for a few weeks now that a 13.3-inch Retina version of the MacBook Pro (MBP) is slated for production this quarter.

An Asia-based report followed suit today, saying that “mass production” has begun of the 13.3-inch Retina Pro. An Apple announcement is expected in either September or October,…

See the article here: How about a 13-inch MacBook Pro Retina with that iPhone 5?

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