Kristen Stewart ‘Ready To Throw Down’ For Twi-Fight Title
Hey, “Twilight” fans, how’s your favorite character faring in our Twi-Fight Saga tournament? Make sure to keep those votes coming now through November 12 so your favorite vamp, werewolf or human isn’t unceremoniously ousted.
The last elimination round proved to be particularly brutal for the Cullens, after which only Edward, Bella, Esme, Alice and Jasper remain. So who’s going to be the last vampire or human standing?
MTV News posed this burning question to the cast of “Breaking Dawn – Part 2” to see who they think should take the Twi-Fight title.
“I’m ready to throw down right now,”…
See the original post here: Kristen Stewart ‘Ready To Throw Down’ For Twi-Fight Title
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