President Barack Obama DNC Speech Complete: Romney in ‘Cold War Mind-Warp’ – DNC 2012

Damn you are one creepy asshole. You actually went to my profile to use my own age to ridicule me? LOL! You must think you’re a badass, huh? Viewing 9/11 conspiracies and gun vids like a BOSS! You know THE truth! A mere Internet tough guy can sit there and type away all he wants, but the truth is you’re a? nobody with a computer. A denizen trapped in an alternate universe permeated in his own fantasies. The irony is that your history reflects a 50 point IQ and mine do not. LOL!

kevindadarter 8 minutes ago

Link: President Barack Obama DNC Speech Complete: Romney in ‘Cold War Mind-Warp’ – DNC 2012


About The Author

Vinod Rawat

I'm a very patient listener with positive attitude towards work and life. I'm kind of innovative and creative, I keep learning things and try to implement them to the best use possible. Sometimes I love to write a little and share with the world, sometimes I stay busy at work or family. Professionally I'm a Web & Graphic Designer and also a Pro Marketer. I have over 12 years of working experience in Sales & Marketing, Graphic and Web Design. Explored many areas of business. Sometimes I do love to travel.

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