ShapeShifters Yoga

ShapeShifters Yoga

Yoga is a commonly known generic term for physical, mental, and spiritual disciplines which originated in ancient India. Specifically, yoga is one of the six ?stika (“orthodox”) schools of Hindu philosophy. It is based on the Yoga S?tras of Patañjali. Various traditions of yoga are found in Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism.
Pre–philosophical speculations and diverse ascetic practices of first millennium BCE were systematized into a formal philosophy in early centuries CE by the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.[6] By the turn of the first millennium, Hatha yoga emerged as a prominent tradition of yoga distinct from the Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras. While the Yoga Sutras focus on discipline of the mind, Hatha yoga concentrates on health and purity of the body.
Hindu monks, beginning with Swami Vivekananda, brought yoga to the West in the late 19th century. In the 1980s, yoga became popular as a physical system of health exercises across the Western world. Many studies have tried to determine the effectiveness of yoga as a complementary intervention for cancer, schizophrenia, asthma and heart patients. In a national survey, long-term yoga practitioners in the United States reported musculo–skeletal and mental health improvements.

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About The Author

Vinod Rawat

I'm a very patient listener with positive attitude towards work and life. I'm kind of innovative and creative, I keep learning things and try to implement them to the best use possible. Sometimes I love to write a little and share with the world, sometimes I stay busy at work or family. Professionally I'm a Web & Graphic Designer and also a Pro Marketer. I have over 12 years of working experience in Sales & Marketing, Graphic and Web Design. Explored many areas of business. Sometimes I do love to travel.

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