Wait, it’s not called the iPhone 5, it’s just ‘the new iPhone’?

Here’s how the shot appears on the Dutch blog.
(Credit: iphonenieuwsblog.nl Screenshot by Chris Matyszczyk/CNET)
Please keep breathing.
Yes, it’s late, but there will be doctors on call shortly.
For here is an iPhone 5 rumor that is so pulsatingly titillating that it might affect your ability to intake victuals.
The Dutch blog iphonenieuwsblog.nl has published a picture of what may (or may not) be printing for iPhone 5 packaging.
Please don your oxygen mask at this moment.
The packaging shows a picture of a very iPhone-looking iPhone 5. However, it’s not called the iPhone 5. It’s merely…

Read more: Wait, it’s not called the iPhone 5, it’s just ‘the new iPhone’?


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