what is fanbox ? earn money online

What is Fanbox ?
A Social Marketplace
Social Network meets Digital Marketplace
FanBox enables people to buy, sell, and promote digital content through web & mobile technologies. We’ve created the tools that allow our community of over 50 million users to make money doing what they love. Enabled by global billing solutions, FanBox connects musicians, filmmakers, application developers and other content providers to millions of billable consumers worldwide.Content providers, as well as any community members that help promote a song or video, accrue actual revenue from content sales. FanBox members can choose to receive a payout for their earnings or apply funds towards additional content purchases and marketing packages.
The suite of FanBox products is a fusion of web & mobile-based software solutions that allow community and commerce to work seamlessly with one another. FanBox has overlaid a digital marketplace on top of its core social network of user-created pages and communication tools. The result is a group of products that financially reward those that power it — the millions of content providers around the world with something to share.
Blogs: Post what you got.
your thoughts, photos, videos or music : you earn when people enjoy your blog for free
your services : earn every month (automated recurring revenue)
your stuff : set a price or let people place their bids
Advertise: Others Promote it.
by creating ads for you fan box pay them to do that & fan box serve your ads for free
by sharing it with their friends they earn money by doing that via fanbox, facebook, twitter & email
or, do it yourself using FanBox ads : go big now and pay later
Bank: Spend or Cashout your earnings.
buy anything in the marketplace: yes anything – guilt free – you earned it
re-invest your earnings : multiply your money with 1-click simplicity
take your money and run : by paypal or fan box will send you a check
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