g|days Are Coming to India

After its roaring success in South America, Middle East and Africa, we’re delighted to bring Google g|days to India. The g|day events are an opportunity for businesses and web developers to learn more about Google products and the opportunities that are available online.Google products have always been simple and easy to use, and with g|india events, we hope to make our platform and tools more accessible to the Business and Developer communities in India.We will be hosting 5 events in India from July to September, with the kickoff in Chennai on the 19/20th of July, and cover all major…

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About The Author

Vinod Rawat

I'm a very patient listener with positive attitude towards work and life. I'm kind of innovative and creative, I keep learning things and try to implement them to the best use possible. Sometimes I love to write a little and share with the world, sometimes I stay busy at work or family. Professionally I'm a Web & Graphic Designer and also a Pro Marketer. I have over 12 years of working experience in Sales & Marketing, Graphic and Web Design. Explored many areas of business. Sometimes I do love to travel.

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