How Scrabblish can help you ‘thwap your amis’ at Scrabble (Q&A)
If you’re one of the millions of people who play Scrabble regularly, you surely know that you can’t use proper nouns in the hit game. So how is it that words like “Alaska,” “Berlin,” “Bolivia,” and even “Jane” are legal moves?
David Bukszpan
(Credit: photo by Ryan John Lee)
Anyone who has spent any time reading the Official Scrabble Players Dictionary (OSPD) knows that each of those words has an alternate meaning that satisfies the game’s rules. And it was just that kind of information that author David Bukszpan was after when he began working on “Is That a Word? From AA to ZZZ, the Weird…
Read this article: How Scrabblish can help you ‘thwap your amis’ at Scrabble (Q&A)
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