‘This Is The End’ Set Visit: Sit Through Danny McBride’s Intervention

It’s the end of the world as we know it, and Danny McBride has fallen off of the wagon a little. At least, that was the case when MTV News’ Josh Horowitz visited the set of “This Is The End,” the new apocalypse comedy starring McBride, Seth Rogen, Jay Baruchel, Craig Robinson, James Franco, and Jonah Hill.

Rogen, who also co-directs with “Superbad” co-writer Evan Goldberg, said that an MTV show served as the inspiration for the intervention. “It’s something that’s actually inspired by a lot of ‘Real World’ episodes that we’ve seen,” he said. “It’s all of the roommates…

Link: ‘This Is The End’ Set Visit: Sit Through Danny McBride’s Intervention


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