What If Joseph Gordon-Levitt Had Never Been Born? (In GIFs)
This Sunday, JGL will blow out 32 candles on his proverbial birthday cake, ending a banner year, what with “The Dark Knight Rises,” “Premium Rush,” “Looper,” and “Lincoln.”
To celebrate, let’s all close our eyes for a minute and imagine a world where Joseph Gordon-Levitt had never been born.
We couldn’t fondly recall his adorable Cocoa Puffs commercial.
Tony Danza would never have learned to believe in himself.
The Big Giant Head would have had to hire a lesser Information Officer.
We’d never lay eyes on this luscious head of hair.
He’d never have made our dreams come true.
Or fallen…
Read the rest here: What If Joseph Gordon-Levitt Had Never Been Born? (In GIFs)
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