‘Human meat’ butcher shop gets gamers hungry for Resident Evil 6

If zombies had their own stores, they would look like this.
(Credit: Miss Cakehead )
Resident Evil has always been heavy on the removal of parts from bodies. A recent PR stunt just makes it all a little more real. To hype the release of Resident Evil 6, Capcom briefly opened a human butcher shop in London called Wesker & Son.

Click to enlarge only if you have an iron stomach.
(Credit: Miss Cakehead )
The edible meats, shaped by a food artist, took the forms of all sorts of people parts, ranging from torsos to hands to naughtier bits that will make guys cringe. It’s as if Lorena Bobbitt…

More: ‘Human meat’ butcher shop gets gamers hungry for Resident Evil 6

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